Tokyo-based studio Nendo Studio, a Tokyo design firm led by designer Oki Sato created a piece of art with dining room furniture for the gallery spaces inside Japan’s Kengo Kuma-designed pavilion.
This black and white images show the amazing creation and the optical illusion effect created by them. Speaking to the world event’s theme of food, the cool space features a long dining room table with high dining room chairs.
The dining room design has all been made in collaboration with different traditional Japanese craftsmen within the country’s local industry.
Here you can see how tall these dining room table sets are.
Althought we can admire their design, these type of dining room sets will not fit in a common dining room design!
In 2012, Nando Studio, worked for Starbucks Espresso Journey, a pop-up shop dedicated to Starbucks’ espresso drinks, in which visitors can learn more about drinks like lattes, cappuccinos and cafe mochas. They designed the space to be like a library, with bookshelves. See more information on the studios’ website.
Oki Sato from Nendo Studio was born in Toronto, Canada and has an M.A. in Architecture from the Waseda University in Tokyo. In 2005 he established “nendo” Tokyo office and on the following year he oppened his Milan office. In 2013 he was awarded “Designer of the Year” by Wallpaper Magazine amd Elle Deco International Design Award. Again in 2015 he was named “Designer of the Year” at Maison & Object, awarded with the “Interior Designers of the Year” from Iconic Awards and won the “Change Maker of the Year 2015” by Nikkei Online.
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