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Embrace Luxury in a Picturesque Scenery

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Nanook Dining Chair: a Touch of Charm in your Modern Dining Room

Every week, we nominate a product of the week to let you know more about it. Nanook armchair, by BRABBU, has been selected for you as the best product of the week but, we would like to take this opportunity to present also the Nanook counter-bars and dining chairs, best pieces if you want to give a touch of charm in your Modern Dining Room.

See also: How To Add A Pop Of Color With Dining Room Furniture

Modern Dining Room

Nanook is the master of bears! This product line blends the beauty and grandiosity of this animal. This accent chair has a strong presence balanced with the elegance given by the golden nailhead trim and the button detailing on the inner back.

modern Dining RoomModern Dining Roommodern Dining Room

As you can see, every single piece can be completely customized to best match it with your contemporary interior design. In fact, you can introduce them in different ambiances such as the kitchen, the living room and the dining room. It thus proves to be a very versatile, it perfectly fits with every kind of dining room set.

Dining Room

See also: Are You Looking For A Modern Dining Chair For Your Project?


Nanook Dining ChairNanook Dining ChairDining Room

Thanks to its adaptability in every room of your home, you will only have to choose how to personalize it. Leather or velvet dining chair, its elegance will make possible to get your dining room décor ideas come true.

Nanook Dining Chair

Not just for your home decor, Nanook will fit in every kind of Interior Design Project, even the hospitality one.

See also: 18 Brabbu’s Dining Room Furniture Pieces That You’ll Desire

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